2011年4月9日 星期六


Using the Dead Space series as an example, Pitchford says: “It’s ceiling-limited; it’ll never do 20 million units. The best imaginable is a peak of four or five million units if everything works perfectly in your favour. So the bean counters go: ‘How do I get a higher ceiling?’ And they look at games that have multiplayer.

“They’re wrong, of course. What they should do instead is say that they’re comfortable with the ceiling, and get as close to the ceiling as possible. Put in whatever investment’s required to focus it on what the promise is all about.”

Gearbox的總裁Randy Pitchford在Edge雜誌的訪談裡談到,為何現在廠商總是不管遊戲的本質適不適合,都非得要搞個多人模式進去。


題外話:查了一下CoD:Black Ops的銷量,三平台加起來是驚人的23M,難怪其他廠商會眼紅orz

