2011年3月31日 星期四


借用Kotaku的標題,Hawken是一款由九人組成的獨立工作室(其中三人還是實習生) Adhesive Games,使用Unreal引擎製作的SF機械人對戰遊戲,只提供多人模式,但以目前的驚人的畫面成果來看,簡直嚇掉所有人的下巴。

Hawken Debut Trailer
Gameplay Video

Kotaku有篇對team leader越南籍的Khang Le的訪問

Nine Guys, Giant Mechs And 2011’s Sexiest Indie Game

  • 談到機器人造型的選擇:"We can't please everyone, so it's best to please the group that share our taste and hope the other groups are open-minded enough to appreciate something different."
  • 如何用最少的人力在最短時間(到目前為止只用九個月)做到如此成果:"Everything in our game gets reused many, many times. If you watch the video carefully, there are not that many unique props. They are just put together in unique ways."
  • 考量可移植性(360&PS3)及節省成本,本遊戲只用到DX9,大部分的貼圖甚至沒有使用normal/specular mapping。
  • 只做multiplayer,因為singleplayer campaign需要大量的時間及人力才能做得好,與其做個半調子的不如不做。
  • 作為team leader他覺得最屌的是(我也覺得超屌!!):他的團隊成員達成工作與生活的完美平衡,每天工作7-8hrs,週末沒加過班。"Keeping everyone working happy and healthy. Game development shouldn't have to be a death march. I would rather cut scope than have a stressful office."


