2011年3月30日 星期三

Xbox 360 New Disc Format?!

I am happy to announce that we’re doing an Xbox 360 System Update Preview program for our next release, and the opportunity to sign up is now available. We are conducting an open call for US based participants* for a public preview to help us prepare for an updated Xbox 360 disc format. This is an important update as we continually strive to improve our products and we could not do so without the help of our great Xbox community. As part of the preview program, you will receive a copy of Halo: Reach along with other possible rewards.

有人猜說所謂的new disc format有可能是新的資料壓縮格式,想在現有的DVD上塞入更多資料。也有可能是新的防拷機制。

個人是覺得前者沒啥必要啦,不如把硬碟改列標準配備,硬碟安裝當成必要動作,以後360 game就當pc game玩不就好啦?XDXD

